Tree Planting Tree Planting

At, we believe that trees are absolutely fundamental in our battle with climate change. 

When you think of the benefits of tree planting, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Most people immediately think of the tree’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide and transform it into oxygen - and they’re quite right. But there are so many other benefits of trees that we’re becoming more and more aware of.

How Trees Benefit People

Our tree planting partners are Eden Reforestation Projects. Their approach is very different to conventional forestry. They go directly to the villages that will be closest to the tree planting efforts. They train the villagers on how to plant and take care of the trees. The aim is to create a sustainable ecological restoration that benefits the poorest people most.

  • Local villagers manage the tree nurseries.
  • The villagers do the actual planting themselves.
  • Villagers earn a consistent income that allows them to look after their families.
  • We plant native species that provide wood and food to the locals.
  • Villages protect their new forest because they have a vested interest in them.
  • That’s why our seedlings have an 80% survival rate!

How Trees Benefit The Environment

Building Soil

Some tree species are able to survive in very dry, barren soil. They add moisture, nutrients and carbon to the dry, rocky soil. They also provide shade and humidity to the area. And this allows other plants to grow and thrive. Over time their roots break up heavily compacted earth - turning barren soil into a healthy, productive ecosystem.

Sustainable Wood

Wood and timber are a very important renewable resources for much of the world’s population. When we create forests, we also teach the locals sustainable forestry practices - which benefit both the people and the forests themselves.

Absorbing CO2

Photosynthesis allows trees to absorb CO2 from the air, and create oxygen for us to breathe. This CO2 is turned into carbon - wood fiber, that over time breaks down and creates more soil for more trees and more plants to grow and absorb more CO2!

Protection From Wind

Hot, drying winds can sweep through an area, creating sand and dust storms which kill both wildlife and livestock. These winds can also destroy food crops and blow away any decent soil left on the land. A forest of trees can block these winds - creating shelter for people, for animals and for food crops.

Preserving Marine Habitats

Believe it or not, deforestation can be absolutely catastrophical for marine habitats. With the lack of trees, topsoil erodes and runs off into coastal waters. This silt blocks the sunlight that’s necessary for coastal reefs and the fish that live in them. Healthy forests stop this erosion and help to create cleaner waters and healthier marine life.

Storm Protection

Monsoon storms can tear through a village, destroying homes, crops and animals. Mangrove forests help to buffer the powerful storms, stop soil from eroding and protect the people living in these areas.

Increasing Humidity

In dry and arid landscapes, the sun bakes the earth and any moisture available is quickly evaporated - leaving behind a desert-like environment in the summer. Trees create shade and in the morning, as dew forms, trees are able to absorb it and direct it down to the roots. Their fallen leaves also help to create a more humid environment for soil life thrive - which helps other plants gain a foothold and stop the spread of desertification.

Where We Plant The Trees


Madagascar has one of the biggest populations of wildlife that exists nowhere else on earth. And with over 90% of its original forests destroyed, it is in dire need of reforestation. Your contributions help not only inland forest and national parks, but also key mangrove forests that protect coastal regions from erosion and destruction.

Tree types planted:

  • Mangrove 
  • Moringa 
  • Palms 
  • Acacia

Positive impact:

  • Erosion control
  • Mass employment
  • Food Source
  • Air Cooling
  • Timber source
  • Habitat for wildlife


As one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world, Nepal suffered greatly from the 2015 earthquake. Because of deforestation in the area, extreme landslides set off by the earthquake caused many tragic deaths. Our tree planting efforts in this area aim to help the locals with soil erosion to protect against future landslides. Apart from that, tree planting creates jobs, sustainable wood and food sources as well as habitat for many endangered animals.

Tree types planted: 

  • Acacia 
  • Persian Silk 
  • Kapok 
  • Teak 
  • Silky Oak

Positive impact:

  • Erosion control
  • Soil Restoration
  • Employment
  • Carbon Sequestration
  • Timber
  • Fire Wood


Indonesia is one of the world’s most biodiverse regions. Unfortunately it is also home to 135 endangered mammal species, including the Sumatran Tiger, Orangutans, the Javan Rhinoceros and Sumatran Elephants. As well as growing tropical hardwoods, we are placing an emphasis on increasing the mangrove forests - 40% of which have been destroyed in the last 3 decades. Mangroves are particularly important for marine ecosystems. Destruction of mangroves not only destroys the habitat of many marine species, but also removes the much needed resources that locals rely on to live.

Tree type planted:

  • Mangroves
  • Tropical hardwoods

Positive impact:

  • Clean air
  • Clean Water
  • Food
  • Sustainable Living